Source Input File

(This section is under construction.)

The following is a working example of a point source input file:

source_is_filtered   = 0
threshold_frequency  = 1.2
number_of_poles      = 22
type_of_source       = point

source_function_type = quadratic
average_risetime_sec = .5
moment_amplitude     = 1e15

# Source Location
lonlat_or_cartesian  = 0
hypocenter_lat_deg   = 38.419
hypocenter_long_deg  = 27.129
hypocenter_depth_m   = 500
source_strike_deg    = 0
source_dip_deg       = 90
source_rake_deg      = 0

As you can see, the source input file shares the same Basic Rules as the parameter input file.