Output Settings

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Whether Hercules should print the output information for the mesh. The printed result will be store in the file specified by mesh_etree_output_file. This is an optional parameter and the default value is False (output_mesh = 0).

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Whether Hercules should print the output summary stats. The printed result will be store in the file specified by output_stats_file. This parameter also controls whether Hercules should print the outputs for the displacement and velocity. When output_parallel is set to False (output_parallel = 0), output_displacement and output_velocity will be ignored. This is an optional parameter and the default value is False.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Whether Hercules should print the output information for the displacement. The printed result will be store in the file specified by output_displacement_file. This is an optional parameter and the default value is False (output_displacement = 0).

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Whether Hercules should print the output information for the velocity. The printed result will be store in the file specified by output_velocity_file. This is an optional parameter and the default value is False (output_velocity = 0).

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The rate Hercules saves output data for the mesh, the displacement, and the velocity. For example, if you set simulation_output_rate = 2, it means Hercules would store output data every 2 time steps. This is an optional parameter and the default value is 1000000 to avoid unexpected and gigantic output files.

  • Optional: Conditional

  • Type: Path

  • Description: The path to mesh file in etree format. This parameter is required if output_mesh is set to True (output_mesh = 1).

  • Optional: Conditional

  • Type: Path

  • Description: The path to the displacement output file. This parameter is required if output_displacement is set to True (output_displacement = 1).

  • Optional: Conditional

  • Type: Path

  • Description: The path to the velocity output file. This parameter is required if output_velocity is set to True (output_velocity = 1).

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Path

  • Description: The path to the stats output file. This parameter is only effective when output_parallel is set to True (output_parallel = 1). If output_stats_file is not set when output_parallel = 1, Hercules will print the output summary stats to the file with the default file name output-stats.txt.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Path

  • Description: The path to a text file in which Hercules would write information as it runs for users to monitor the progress of the running job. This is an optional parameter and the default value is monitor.txt.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Path

  • Description: The path to the file where Hercules should store the statistics of the mesh. This is an optional parameter and the default value is stat_mesh.txt.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Path

  • Description: The path to the file where Hercules should store the solver communication schedule summary. This is an optional parameter and the default value is stat_sched.txt.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Path

  • Description: The path to the file where Hercules should store the statistics of the topography. This is an optional parameter and the default value is stat_topo.txt.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Yes or No

  • Description: Whether Hercules should print the stiffness matrix to the standard output (usually the command line window running Hercules). This is an optional parameter and the default value is no.

Output Mesh Coordinates for A Subdomain

You can ask Hercules to store another mesh coordinates database which includes the information only within a specified subdomain. Here are the parameters you will need to set up if you want.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Yes or No

  • Description: Whether to store an extra mesh coordinates database for the subdomain defined by the parameter mesh_corners_matlab. This is an optional parameter and the default value is no.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Path

  • Description: Path to the folder where Hercules should store the mesh coordinates database for the subdomain. This is an optional parameter and the default value is outputfiles/For_Matlab.

  • Optional: Conditional

  • Type: Multiple Numbers

  • Format: min_x min_y max_x max_y min_z max_z

  • Description: Values used to define the boundaries of the subdomain. Note that X is in the vertical direction of the plan view. This parameter is required if mesh_coordinates_for_matlab is set to yes.

To better understand the format of the output files for mesh coordinates, refer to the section Mesh Coordinates Output for A Subdomain.

Output for Stations

The following parameters are used for the output for stations (observation points).

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The number of output stations. This is an optional parameter and the default value is 0.

  • Optional: Conditional

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The rate Hercules saves output data for stations. For example, if you set output_stations_print_rate = 2, it means Hercules would store output data every 2 time steps. This parameter is required if number_output_stations is bigger than 0.

  • Optional: Conditional

  • Type: Yes or No

  • Description: Whether to print the velocities at each station. This parameter is required if number_output_stations is bigger than 0.

  • Optional: Conditional

  • Type: Yes or No

  • Description: Whether to print the accelerations at each station. This parameter is required if number_output_stations is bigger than 0. Also, if print_station_accelerations = yes, not only the accelerations will be printed, but also the velocities will be printed regardless of the value of print_station_velocities.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Path

  • Description: Path to the folder where Hercules should store the related information of stations. This is an optional parameter and the default value is outputfiles/stations.

  • Optional: Conditional

  • Type: Multiple numbers

  • Format: latitude longitude depth

  • Description: The location information of stations. The data should be written as many lines as parameter number_output_stations defines. This parameter is required if number_output_stations is bigger than 0. Note that if the number of listed output_stations is more than number_output_stations, Hercules will only use the first number_output_stations stations.

To better understand the format of the station output files, refer to the section Station Outputs.

Output for Planes

A plane contains multiple grid points storing displacements on them.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The number of output planes. This is an optional parameter and the default value is 0.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Path

  • Description: The path to plane input file. The plane information is usually written in the same parameter input file for running Hercules. So, chances are this path is the same as the path to the parameter input file. Nevertheless, it is possible to write the plane information in a separate file. This parameter is an optional parameter and the default value is the same as the path to the parameter input file.

  • Optional: Conditional

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The rate Hercules saves output data for planes. For example, if you set output_planes_print_rate = 2, it means Hercules would store output data every 2 time steps. This parameter is required if number_output_planes is bigger than 0.

  • Optional: Conditional

  • Type: Path

  • Description: Path to the folder where Hercules should store the planes database. This is an optional parameter and the default value is outputfiles/planes.

  • Optional: Conditional

  • Type: Multiple numbers

  • Format: x_lat y_lon z_depth dx nx dy ny strk dp

  • Description: Values used to define the planes. x_lat, y_lon, and z_depth define the origin of a plane. dx and dy are the spacing along X and Y directions. nx and ny are the number of grid points along X and Y directions. strk is the strike angle (in degree) measured from the true north clockwise, and dp is the dip angle (in degree). This parameter is required if number_output_planes is bigger than 0. Note that if the number of listed output_planes is more than number_output_planes, Hercules will only use the first number_output_planes planes.

To better understand the format of the plane output files, refer to the section Plane Outputs.


Hercules can generate checkpoint files during the simulation. Checkpoint files can be used to restart the simulation from the time step when the checkpoint was generated.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The rate Hercules saves checkpoints. For example, if you set checkpointing_rate = 1000, it means Hercules would store checkpoint files every 1000 time steps. Hercules will keep saving and overwriting the checkpoint files checkpoint.out0 and checkpoint.out1, which are the last two checkpoint files generated during the simulation, in the folder specified by checkpoint_path. This is an optional parameter and the default value is 0, which asks Hercules not to generate checkpoints.

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Whether Hercules should use the checkpoint file. Note that users should have the checkpoint file ready before setting this parameter to True (use_checkpoint = 1). Checkpoint files can be generated by setting checkpointing_rate to a integer bigger than 0, and users have to rename the checkpoint file they want to use to checkpoint.in and save it in the same folder specified by checkpoint_path. This is an optional parameter and the default value is False (use_checkpoint = 0).

  • Optional: Yes

  • Type: Path

  • Description: Path to the folder where Hercules should store or read the checkpoint files. This is an optional parameter and the default value is outputfiles/checkpoints.