Station OutputsΒΆ

When number_output_stations is set to a positive integer, Hercules will generate responses at the stations (observation points) specified by the parameter output_stations. For the definition of the related parameters, see the section Output for Stations.

In the folder defined by the parameter output_stations_directory, Hercules will create files with the name station.X where X is the station number. For example, if number_output_stations is set to 3 and output_stations are properly defined, Hercules will create files station.0, station.1 and station.2. Where station.0 contains the responses at the first station defined in output_stations (the first line after output_stations), station.1 contains the responses at the second station defined in output_stations and so on. All the station.X files are ASCII files. Below is an example of a station.X file with both print_station_velocities and print_station_accelerations set to yes:

#  Time(s)         X|(m)         Y-(m)         Z.(m)       X|(m/s)       Y-(m/s)       Z.(m/s)      X|(m/s2)      Y-(m/s2)      Z.(m/s2)
  0.000000  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
  0.020000  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
  0.040000  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
  0.060000 -2.857821e-22  4.389021e-23 -1.320382e-21 -1.428910e-20  2.194511e-21 -6.601910e-20 -7.144552e-19  1.097255e-19 -3.300955e-18
  0.080000  5.397648e-22 -6.574493e-23  2.056479e-21  4.127734e-20 -5.481757e-21  1.688431e-19  2.778322e-18 -3.838134e-19  1.174311e-17
  0.100000 -1.863683e-21  3.730192e-22 -6.838559e-21 -1.201724e-19  2.193821e-20 -4.447519e-19 -8.072487e-18  1.370998e-18 -3.067975e-17

Note that the time step in the station.X files is defined by the parameters output_stations_print_rate and simulation_delta_time_sec.